One-Time Nutrition Consultation

Not everyone needs or wants 1:1 nutrition coaching and the accountability that comes with it, and that’s perfectly fine! If you’re a bit more experienced in the nutrition world and are looking for a comprehensive plan to guide you on your journey, this service is tailored just for you. Take control of your nutrition with a structured plan that empowers you to succeed independently. This option is perfect for those ready to map out their path to success!

How does it work?

Deep-Dive Consultation & 6-Month Periodization Plan

You will get a 1-hour consultation call with your nutrition coach where we go over a 6-month plan via a detailed spreadsheet specifically designed for you and what you want the next 6 months of your nutrition journey to look like. This will be completely customized to you and the information you need to help you track progress along the way.

In-Depth Explanations & Transparency

We will equip you with all the information you need to help you understand HOW and WHY we calculated your macros to allow you to understand every step along the way. No gate keeping here!

In addition to the 6-month periodization plan, you will also be equipped with a meal timing guide, a biofeedback spreadsheet to help track progress and a BMR/TDEE calculator

Confidence Without Weekly Check-Ins

We will send you off with the confidence you need to adhere to the plan without weekly check-in accountability. Since this plan allows us to take a deep dive into your goals, we vow to set you up for success with your nutrition for the next 6 months, especially if you’re not someone who needs direct 1:1 coaching.

Who is this option good for?

-Clients who are experienced with macro tracking and do not feel that they need accountability from a coach

-Clients who are familiar with nutrition biology and have a knowledge base in nutrition

-Clients who might need help dialing in a detailed nutrition periodization plan

-Clients who feel confident with adherence to a plan

What do you get?

  • a 1-time 60-minute consult call with your coach to review a 6-month diet periodization plan based on your specific goals.

  • personalized macronutrients, goal recommendations, specific diet periodization plans, habit-tracking and biofeedback-tracking recommendations, and meal timing recommendations based on your particular goals.

  • a detailed spreadsheet designed by your coach to log your data and biofeedback on your own.

  • onboarding resource library pdf to assist with faqs, tips & tricks, meal timing recommendations, and food source recommendations, and is your complete crash course guide to nutrition & nutritional sciences.

  • education, honesty, empathy, communication, and a coach who truly cares about you and your goals.