Sports-Specific Nutrition Coaching

This package is for athletes who may require additional support with making weight and/or performance optimization/mindset/diet manipulation for sport or competition. At CN we know that food can either make or break an athlete, especially those who need to manipulate their body weight for weight class purposes. We want to help lessen the stress leading up to competition and let us make it easy for you. This is especially great for competitive national/international athletes in a weight-class sport looking to take their performance to the next level.

How does it work?

In-Depth Check-Ins Tailored Toward Your Sports-Specific Needs

We will ensure that your body, mind, biofeedback, & structure of your meals are all the main focus of our check-ins, especially as we get closer to competition time. Especially if you’re someone in a weight-class sport.

Outside of your monthly video check-in, expect to receive Loom Video replies from your coach via voice memo or video recording analyzing your check-in and providing in-depth weekly feedback and recommendations.

Enhanced Communication

Daily assistance via text as early as 1 month out from competition to assist in setting up a low-stress plan leading up to making weight.

3-Month Commitment To Ensure Longevity

This plan requires a 3-month commitment to allow time to build healthy habits, set you up for a sustainable periodization plan especially leading up to competition, and for the coach to learn about you through frequent communication.

Who is this option good for?

-Athletes who need help with food optimization for sport performance.

-Athletes who either need to cut weight to make a weight class or gain weight to fill out a weight class.

-Any client wanting extra detail-oriented coaching support leading up to competition, especially those needing to make a weight class.

-Athletes on a timeline for a competition where they need to be a specific weight by a specific date/weight-class sports.

What do you get?

  • You will receive personalized macronutrient goals in addition to individualized habits and biofeedback to track within our client portal system - all to fit your lifestyle, goals, and personalized needs.

  • We will closely analyze your initial onboarding questionnaire to assist in developing a personalized nutrition plan.

  • You will get daily assistance via text as early as 1 month out from competition to aid in making a low-stress journey to making weight.

  • You will get text access to your coach for quicker response times.

  • You will be assigned weekly check-in appointments via the client portal (1 video check-in per month) where we will collaboratively analyze your progress, food logs, food choices for optimizing performance, meal timing for optimizing performance, and habit tracking to establish a detail-oriented plan for the upcoming weeks’ check-ins.

  • You will be equipped with an onboarding resource library pdf to assist with faqs, tips & tricks, and acts as your complete crash course guide to tracking & nutritional sciences.

  • Our coaches will ALWAYS provide you with education, honesty, empathy, communication, valuable feedback, and someone who truly cares about you and your goals both now and in the future.